Exopolitical Mediation currently occurs in a setting where the Mediator may administer contact with a paradigm participant or source, who holds a perceived position of purposeful leadership in or for that particular release. This does not mean that all communication within the mediation case occurs in conduit through the Mediator. Often the Mediator represents only one avenue of communication and networks in the open with other conduits which may well vary in nature. An example of a variant of conduit can be seen in a release of a recent article in the NY Times, entitled “A Climate Solution That’s Out Of This World”[1]. This variant is a unspecific non-mediated example under the understanding within Exopolitics that the mainstream media outlets are heavily controlled and restricted from serious publication of information or dialog on the subject of extra-terrestrial contact. So for such a release as the one referenced to occur, a sanction to communicate under specific conditions is assumed to have been given. This defines the article as a representation of communication from an additional conduit in an environment still engulfed in secrecy and non-disclosure orientation.
Recognizing additional conduits in a multi-factional environment is a problematic issue for Exopolitical Mediators. Most of this problem can be mitigated by having an understanding of the current exopolitical condition which includes continually evolving evaluative analysis of the existential evidence of a contact control structure. Exopolitical Mediators try to balance their understanding of the exopolitical condition through extensive reading and networking with other exopoliticians. Through these forms of self-education the productive and destructive strategies used by the contact paradigm constituents becomes apparent. An effective Exopolitical Mediator develops his or her ability to ‘listen carefully for’ other conduits within the paradigm. “In the most general sense, we have communication whenever one system, a source, influences another, the destination, by manipulation of alternative signals which can be transferred over the channel connecting them,” Osgood.[2]
The variety and necessity of obscure communication conduits arose out of the necessities inherent in the pervasive secrecy climate of the last sixty odd years. The contact paradigm has carried the highest level of secrecy status possible within the United States as far as government and its contact paradigm extensions have been concerned. This has cause a fractured and multi-factional situation whereas the realm of pro and non-disclosure are again broken into many portions which continue fractional existence in many compartmentalized sub-groups. The extent of sub-groupment is not fully known at this time but releasing sources have routinely described the compartmental nature of the contact control structure and the confusing web of geopolitical inter-relationships which have grown so complex as to defy rational explanations or descriptions. These inter-relations compete with each other on many levels and spill over into the public presence where they are taken up and mirrored by open humanity in its opinions, and aggressive competing behaviors.
It is important for the Exopolitical Mediator to be aware of the variety and subtleness of communication forms and conduits in order to understand the various social worlds which lie within the contact paradigm. When the mediator understand the social worlds involved then it becomes possible to understand the various survival strategies and goals which pervade them. The Exopolitical Mediator comes face to face with these strategies and goals in life changing ways and must work among them to achieve cohesion of the participants in the evolutionary environment of potential human disclosure. “If we believe that the way we communicate makes the social world in which we live, and that these forms of communication make different social worlds, then it follows that, if we are to accept our responsibility for making the kind of social world in which we want to live and which we want to bequeath to our grandchildren, we should develop our ability to discern, differentiate, and selectively call into being preferred forms of communication,” W. Barnett Pearce.[3]
There are many types of survival strategies which are associated with the forces behind individual conduits. The nature of the individual strategies involved, also vary in the perceptibility of their existential natures. It is up to the mediator to be discerning to every extent possible to comprehend those natures. Some of the strategies encountered will be either pro-disclosure nature or non-disclosure nature with contents that range among conflict avoidance strategies, competitive conflict strategies, and cooperative strategies. It is the responsibility of the exopolitical mediator to focus on the process by which he is managing his interaction with these strategies and to try to avoid getting caught up in the conflict generating potential some of them have. The exopolitical mediator is not there wage a war but is there to assist the participants to communicate, establish connection and interaction, and to help them find their acceptable avenues for future development of collective options, goals, and common ground.
[1] Exopolitical Conduit Release Example: A climate solution that's out of this world, by Anne C Mulkern, published: May 14, 2009
[1] Communication for Social Change Anthology: Historical and Contemporary Readings, A Farewell to Aristotle “Horizontal Communication”, Lewis Ramiro Beltrain, 1979, (SOME TERMS AND ASSOCIATED MEASURES FOR TALKING ABOUT COMMUNICATION, Charles E Osgood, (Urbana, Illinois, Institute For Communications Research 1961) pg 48,) pg 158, http://books.google.com/books?id=85WbPmx9QlcC&pg=PA159&lpg=PA159&dq=percieving+communication,&source=bl&ots=6BGLQatRbP&sig=krL_ZSeeX344i9EmJSmtNLcl9QE&hl=en&ei=ATwUSunGBKCc8QTl-5CKBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3#PPA158,M1
“In the most general sense, we have communication whenever one system, a source, influences another, the destination, by manipulation of alternative signals which can be transferred over the channel connecting them.” Osgood. Pg 158
[1] TOWARD COMMUNICATIVE VIRTUOSITY: A MEDITATION ON MODERNITY AND OTHER FORMS OF COMMUNICATION © W. Barnett Pearce, 2005, School of Human and Organization Development, Fielding Graduate University, http://www.humiliationstudies.org/documents/PearceCommunicativeVirtuosity.pdf
“If we believe that the way we communicate makes the social world in which we live, and that these forms of communication make different social worlds, then it follows that, if we are to accept our responsibility for making the kind of social world in which we want to live and which we want to bequeath to our grandchildren, we should develop our ability to discern, differentiate, and selectively call into being preferred forms of communication.” Pearce, Pg 20

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